Coming soon
Second In
The Dark Trilogy
Out of Dark Comes Light
Andrei Dark Rising
The Battle for Perfect
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Book Trailer on YouTube
Andrei Dark, Victor Dark’s son, plunges into the absurd as he rises, along with fellow Free Centaurs, to battle his sister and her disciples.
Meet your neighbors from planets near and distant, as you join them for libations and a bite to eat at a Lively Flute Lounge. Indulge in a Mockingbird Delight specialty cocktail (recipe inside), as you intermingle with Fubars and others.
Plunge into a world in turmoil, and take your side as battles brew. The future of humankind — no indeed, the universe — is at stake.
Hold on to your seat as you’re taken through the progression of the greatest conflict of all time. A fight of good versus evil in this tale of dread and endurance. Who will triumph?
Teki wa watashi no kokuro ni ha o motte imagusa, ganbarimasu (“Although the enemy holds a blade to my heart; I will persevere)